5 Tips for Finding the Hair Salon thats Right for You

by | Apr 15, 2016 | Health

Finding the right salon for your hair is like finding a good friend. You need to find someone youre comfortable with, who understands your quirks and needs in the best way. Read on for some tips on how you can make this happen:

Ask family and friends

Reach out to people you trust and ask about their salon secrets. If youre lucky, youll get a few names or salon names that should cut your search right to the quick.

Pay a visit

Once youve got a list of potential salons, then start checking them out. Go online for more information on their business or browse through their website.

Look into training and experience

Want your hair colored and chemically treated? Make sure the spa is well equipped to handle your needs. Check the services they offer. Thats a good way to eliminate names from your list. Also, opt for salons with staff that have long been in the industry. Going to amateurs can seriously stress you out since its more likely that amateurs might get the cut wrong, or not having enough experience to pull off the specific style you want.

Ask about missed appointments

This is important, says Style Caster. How late can you make a cancellation and what happens if you do? Some spas provide a modified treatment of what you booked for when you come in late for the appointment. Some might charge you the full 100 percent cost and still turn you away, putting you on a black list of customers. So ask about consequences to make sure you know what youre getting into in case you get delayed or unavoidably miss an appointment.

Determine how long youll need to be in for the treatment

If youre getting your hair curled, then expect to spend more than at the salon than any other time you went for just a trim. That way, you can easily budget your time and make ample room for it in your schedule. Theres nothing worse than having to cut short your salon treatment simply because you underestimated the time it would take for the treatments to finish. So enjoy every minute of your appointment by making sure you set aside enough time for them.

So keep these tips handy when you start looking for a hair salon in Mission Viejo. Theyll help you find the right one for you much, much sooner rather than later.

The Right Hair Salon offers hair and makeup services for everything you need. Call and book our services today!

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