The Dangers of Sex and Meth

by | Apr 5, 2016 | Healthcare

The use of meth while having sex has become a problem particularly for gay men. Sex and meth have become fused to create a dangerous addiction that only escalates over time. A meth and sex addiction may have occurred because sex is more enjoyable and lasts much longer while taking meth, and because the substance allows the user to shed strong inhibitions about shame and sex. Simply put, meth allows people to overcome inhibitions while under the influence, and can allow them to engage in marathon sex, as well. Meth heightens sensations during sex and is highly addictive. It gives users the feeling that they can do anything sexually, even things that would be considered harmful. They become less cautious concerning who they are having sex with which can cause health problems later since they could come into contact with HIV or an STD.

The Multi-Faceted Problems of Sex and Meth Addiction

The longer sex and meth are combined, the more problems an individual could suffer from. The first problem they suffer from is the lack of desire to have plain sex. The addiction to sex with meth becomes so strong they cant see themselves engaging in normal sex again. The initial use of meth may also become dull encouraging increased use of the drug, as well. However, the longer a man uses meth, the more likely it is that they will suffer from an experience called crystal dick. This is a condition where their penis is flaccid and will not function properly even though they are extremely aroused. It also takes much longer to achieve orgasm and causes users to engage in rougher sex that can cause injuries. Those injuries may not be felt immediately while on meth either since pain can also be diminished. Thus, sex and meth can become dangerous causing you to increasingly abuse drugs and cause bodily harm that is not felt while engaged in intercourse.

You Are Not Alone and There Is Treatment Available

If you can relate to the problems caused by sex and meth, and you believe that you are unable to stop harming yourself or others with this type of addiction it is time to seek treatment. You can turn to a treatment facility that has the staff and therapy need to effectively treat the dual addiction of sex and meth. The experts can assist you with confidential care so you can recover from your addiction and learn how to regain your life.

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