Village West Veterinary Offers Mobile Vet Service In Chicago

by | Sep 4, 2018 | Animal Health

Village West Veterinary in Chicago offers a mobile vet service that enables clients to avoid the trauma of transporting a sick or frightened animal. We also provide essential treatment and prevention procedures for your dog, cat or other pet, including routine vaccinations, new pet adoption exams, screening X-rays, teeth cleanings and euthanasia, at our facility on N. Western Avenue. We have a state-of-the-art surgical suite and a fully equipped laboratory in-house as well as well-stocked examination rooms.

The Advantages of a Mobile Vet

A mobile vet in Chicago has access to the equipment necessary to perform most routine services such as blood tests, urinalyses and x-rays. Your pet will be much less stressed by these procedures if he or she is undergoing them in a familiar environment. Stress can cause your animals heart rate and blood pressure to go up dramatically, which may make it difficult to assess an underlying condition.

Additionally, while youre sitting in your vets general appointments area, waiting to be ushered into an individual examination room, your pet may be exposed to all sorts of contagious conditions. After all, you dont know what ailments the other animals in the room may suffer from. If you have an elderly pet or a pet with a compromised immune system, its very important to limit your animals exposure to these kinds of potentially compromising circumstances.

If you have more than one pet, it can be a hassle to corral them so that you can bring them to your veterinarians at the same time, and if you have to book separate appointments for them several days apart, it can be time-consuming. A mobile vet can spare you all that running around. For more information about the ways a mobile vet in Chicago can help make your life and your pets life easier, call Village West Veterinary or check out our website.

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